Lotusphere 2012
Contained on this page you will find the presentation and accompanying demonstration files from the BP209 Lotusphere 2012 session.
Doctors Have Scalpels, Carpenters Have Hammers, IBM Sametime Developers Have SDKs
Often the hidden power of a platform lies in its Software Development Kits (SDKs) and IBM Sametime is no exception. IBM Sametime has one of the richest SDKs of any UC platform, and knowing about its capabilities can allow companies to understand further how they can fully exploit all of the capabilities Sametime offers. Come to this session to learn about the different SDK components and to see examples of how customers are using the SDK to integrate Sametime into their Communication Enabled Business Processes (CEBP)
Update: With regard to the Sametime Helper described on Slide 13. There have been some changes to this toolkit since IBM first shipped Sametime 8.5, which the author of the toolkit has been kind enough to let me know about. The update to that slide is as follows:
Starting with Sametime 8.5, the toolkit has its own feature, distinct from the Office Integration components and is installed by default. It means it's not necessary any more to install the Office Integration components to benefit from the toolkit. For performance reasons, it's not enabled by default. It can be enabled by setting the appropriate entry in the plugin_customization.ini file (or using the corresponding managed setting)- note that this can be done programmatically from the toolkit itself as well:
There is a Java version of the STHelper toolkit. The concepts and architecture are exactly the same than the COM version, but it can be consumed by desktop Java Apps and is indeed leveraged by Rational Team Concert for its Sametime integration. There is an article demonstrating how the Java version of the STHelper toolkit can be used to integrate Sametime with Symphony for example at :
Java StockBot Sample Code
Sametime Proxy Queue Sample Code (right click "Save Link As...")
The Sametime Plug-ins used during the demonstration can be found at:
The Sametime Community Server buddylist application used during the demonstration can be found at:
The Sametime awareness simulator I used during the presentation, created by Mikkel Flindt can be found at: